Thursday, July 2, 2009

Prioritize Your Day

I always seem to come back to the issue of prioritizing life, no matter what messages I preach or what topics I touch on. As I reflect on my days and the various responsibilities I have as a mother, wife, pastor, and business woman, I continue to see that keeping my priorities in order is essential to living a life of balance and productivity. It starts with the way we begin our day and continues to the time we go to bed at night. Starting the day with some quiet time is a great way to think about and note our goals and objectives, as well as get direction.

Keeping a journal and writing down all the things we need to do and how much time we will devote to each task, helps keep us focused as well. Factoring in rest, relaxation, and personal pampering sessions are also important, not to mention carving out time each day for prayer and meditation. Balance is the key to life and can be achieved when we organize our days on a consistent basis!


  1. I wish I had time to journal. I guess technically I do since I write for 3 of my blogs. I just wish I had an additional few hours in the day.

    I know I'm not busier than you Pastor Taffi but I would love to know how you get time to do all of the things you do...i think many of us ladies would love to know!

    I suffer from "I must do it all" syndrome. Any suggestions on how to deal with that?

  2. LaToya Lopez said.....

    I can't help but agree with you Pastor Taffi. I just recently realized I need to slow down and plan better. I have 2 cell phones, 3 planners, and sticky notes all over the place. I spent 3 hours on the internet searching how to be come better organize. After becoming frustrated and tired I turned off the computer and prayed. This is my first time ever looking at your blog Pastor Taffi and your advice is God sent and right on time.


  3. I am not as organized as I should be and I hear the Spirit of God telling me to get more organized. This is a great encouragement for me. I guess the main reason I have failed to be better organized is fear of it not all working out. But God has not given us the spirit of fear, so I must get on with the show.

  4. I too am working on being organized. I am a single-mother and sometimes single parents use being a single-parent as an excuse to why we are not organized, but God has given us the grace to abound to every good work! I stand in agreement with every woman who desires to be organized and know how to prioritize life. We can do this!!!

  5. it seems like a lot to do taffi I dont see how u fit it all in in a day. my kids are grown and I still get so tired with runnung and ripping everyday going to computer class daily and learning how to drive at the 46 but i do find time to read the bible on faith and most of all strength. god bless luv u ladies. lesa

  6. My mornings I start out in prayer and sometimes worship music before I got to work. But I have a husband who interfere at times when I'm praying and this bothers me.

  7. Hi,

    Please read through the messages in this Blog.
    All glory and honor, power and praise, be unto our God for providing us with HIS Word through this blog.
    Send it across and share it with the multitudes who are hungry for HIS Word.

    Freely we received, freely shall we give.


    God bless you.

  8. @ Pastor Taffi ~ Is it possible / Or would u consider showing this to the congregation can keep the Easter grace awakening moving forward with The Grace Card! This high-impact theatrical movie is available for licensed showings in churches NOW. Learn how you can bring The Grace Card to your church here ...
